01-spanish team...
Spanish team on the way
02-host familie...
Host families of spanishs students
03-6th excursio...
6th-Excursion to Cassis
04-6th excursio...
6th-Excursion to Cassis 2
05-6th excursio...
6th-Excursion to Calanques
06-6th excursio...
6th-Excursion to Calanques 2
07-7 th welcome...
7th-Welcome at school
08-7 th welcome...
7th-Welcome at school 2
09-7 thwelcome ...
7th-Welcome at school 3
10-7 thtown hal...
7th-Town hall in la Ciotat
11-7th power po...
7th-Power point presentation. Bulgarian team 1
12-7th power po...
7th-Power point presentation. Bulgarian team 2
13-7th power po...
7th-Power point presentation. Bulgarian team 3
14-7th power po...
7th-Power point presentation. French team 1
15-7th power po...
7th-Power point presentation. French team 2
16-7th power po...
7th-Power point presentation. French team 3
17-7th power po...
7th-Power point presentation. Lituanian team 1
18-7th power po...
7th-Power point presentation. Lituanian team 2
19-7th power po...
7th-Power point presentation. Lituanian team 3
20-7th power po...
7th-Power point presentation. Polish team 1