21-7th power po...
7th-Power point presentation. Polish team 2
22-7th power po...
7th-Power point presentation. Polish team 3
23-7th power po...
7th-Power point presentation. Romanian team 1
24-7th power po...
7th-Power point presentation. Romanian team 2
25-7th power po...
7th-Power point presentation. Romanian team 3
26-7th power po...
7th-Power point presentation. Spanish team 1
27-7th power po...
7th-Power point presentation. Spanish team 2
28-7th power po...
7th-Power point presentation. Spanish team 3
29-8 th working...
8th-Working at school
30-8 th shipyar...
8th-Shipyard in La Ciotat
31-11th. polish...
11th-Polish, romanian, lituanian, bulgarian and spanish teachers
32-11 th. the g...
11th-The group at Lycee de la Méditerranée
33-11th. simila...
11th-Similarities and differences between laws from countries regarding drugs alcohol and smoking
34-11th. poster...
11th-Poster of alcohol. Stay alive. Don't drink and drive 1
35-11th. poster...
11th-Poster of alcohol. Stay alive. Don't drink and drive 2
36-11th. poster...
11th-Poster of alcohol. Stay alive. Don't drink and drive 3
37-11th. poster...
11th-Poster of drugs. You don't need heroine to be a hero 1
38-11th. poster...
11th-Poster of drugs. You don't need heroine to be a hero 2
39-11th. poster...
11th-Poster of drugs. You don't need heroine to be a hero 3
40-11th. poster...
11th-Poster of drugs. You don't need heroine to be a hero 4