41-11th. poster...
11th-Poster of tobacco. Teenager smoking addiction. A deadly dirty habit 1
42-11th. poster...
11th-Poster of tobacco. Teenager smoking addiction. A deadly dirty habit 2
43-11th. poster...
11th-Poster of tobacco. Teenager smoking addiction. A deadly dirty habit 3
44-11th. poster...
11th-Poster of tobacco. Teenager smoking addiction. A deadly dirty habit 4
45-11th. fillin...
11th-Filling the evaluation questionnaire
46-11th. bulgar...
11th-Bulgarian team with the certificates of attendance
47-11th. french...
11th-French team with the certificates of attendance
48-11th. lituan...
11th-Lituanian team with the certificates of attendance
49-11th. polish...
11th-Polish team with the certificates of attendance
50-11th. romani...
11th-Romanian team with the certificates of attendance
51-11th. spanis...
11th-Spanish team with the certificates of attendance
52-11th. speech...
11th-Speech of french Headmaster
12th-Farewell to the spanish team with french families