Comenius Project 2009-2011

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Our environment. Comparing our resources


Title of the work:

Our environment. Comparing our resources.


Comparative study among our countries for the following points:


1.- Water:

1.1. Fresh water in our countries: Rivers, lakes, streams...

1.2. Salty water in our countries: Seas, oceans...

1.3. Are there problems of pollution of water in our countries?, If there are, which are the causes?

1.4. Are some countries short of this resource?. If there are, how do they solve this problem?

1.5. Why save water is important? (Although you had enough)

1.6. How can we save water? (At individual and general level)

(You can add more points if you consider they are important)

2.- Agriculture:

2.1. What extension of land is it used for agriculture in each country?

2.2. How important is it for each country?

2.3. Which are the main agricultural products in each country?

2.4. Which agricultural products do each country import or export?

2.5. How is saving water in agriculture?

(You can add more points if you consider they are important)


3.- Energy

3.1. Different kinds of energies: Renewable, non-renewable.

3.1.1. Rate of use of non-renewable energies in each country.

3.1.2. Rate of use of renewable energies in each country.

3.2. Do our countries export or import energy? Which kinds?

3.3. Environmental problems connected with the use of non-renewable energies.

3.3.1. Greenhouse effect (First, explain the phenomenon, their causes and consequences and after that do the comparison).

3.3.2. Acid rain: (First, explain the phenomenon, their causes and consequences and after that do the comparison).

3.4. Different ways of saving energy. (At individual and general level)

3.5. Relationship between the use of energy and development of a country.

(You can add more points if you consider they are important)


4.- Forests

4.1. Why are forests important for our planet?

4.2. What surface of forests is there in our countries?

4.3. Why can they be in danger? (Action’s man, pollution,….)

4.4. Solutions

4.5. Law’s regulations in the European Union

(You can add more points if you consider they are important)

5. Fresh air

5.1. Define fresh air and pollution of the air.

5.2. Main causes of pollution of the air: Natural and artificial (because of human activities).

5.3. Consequences of the pollution of the air.

4.4. Solutions.

4.5. Law’s regulations in the European Union.


Final Product
Group number 1. Texts
Group number 3. Texts


How have we done?

(Polish team has been in charge of this common work)

Three groups of students were formed, with students from each partner country in each group. Students worked in groups in four sessions of three hours each. The host school (Polish school) provided the 3 groups with separate computer rooms for their work during the 3 work sessions. The task of each group for the work sessions was to prepare a PowerPoint presentation concerning the assigned subject:

The presentations were elaborated according with the index and presented to all the participants on a separate day as the final product of the meeting. Each group had 30 minutes to present its work. The quality of the presentations were assessed by all the participants of the programme (teachers and students) using a special questionnaire during the presentation, which was elaborated previously and is in the section “documents” in this Webpage.

After these three presentations there was a longer break and then students met in national groups in order to discuss their assessment of the presentations. Every national team reached an agreement on the final assessment (number of points) they assign to every presentation. The national teams had 15 minutes for this discussion. The agreed points from the questionnaires were calculated and the winning team (Group number 2) was given a reward.

Last Updated on Friday, 18 June 2010 17:38